You do not need any prior knowledge to start bouldering. You don’t have to learn how to fasten and tie knots like you do when you are rope climbing. However, bouldering is a sport with some danger and we advise everyone to take an introductory course.

You can get a short introduction for free by one of our employees. Please ask about this option at the bar.

You will find all the information about courses below.

Private session


With our instructor, you focus on your technique, your strengths and your weaker points.

– Start bouldering safely under the attention of an instructor.

– Increase your climbing level and get feedback from an instructor

– Learn how to warm up and improve your physical preparation

Practical :

PRICE: With or without a Petite Ile subscription: €40/hour for 1 person and €50/hour for 2 people

Rental of climbing shoes included in the price.

TIMES: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

DATES: July 17, July 24, August 14, August 21 – drop-in!

REGISTRATIONS: On the website




*BETA: the necessary movements to complete a route.

In this course we help you find the solution – the one that suits you, your body type, your strengths – to complete a climbing route that you have chosen.

Practical :

Group of max 6 people.

PRICE: €15 per lesson – climbing shoes included – entry to the room not included.

TIMES: 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

DATES: July 16, July 23, August 13, August 20 – drop-in!

REGISTRATIONS: On the website



You already have some experience in bouldering and you know the safety basics (how to fall for example). You want to follow a course with a follow up and you are interested in improving your technique as well as – and most importantly – better manage the mental component of your training.

– Improve your mobility, balance, coordination and climbing technique

– Feel comfortable at height

– Manage the effort, your motivation and your concentration

– Set goals and dare to commit

– Climb as if nobody’s watching


Cycle of 10 sessions (1 offered)

!!! 2024 NEW DATES !!!

If you want to follow the course Toolblox for the first time the entry level is orange :

From January 17th to March 27th, 2023 – from 18:30 to 21:00

From April the 24th to July the 3rd – from 18:30 to 21:00


If you already followed the course Toolblox and you loved it a lot:

From January 16th to March 26th, 2023 – from 18:30 to 21:00

From April the 23rd to July the 2nd – from 18:30 to 21:00


135 euro – entrance to the gym and climbing shoes rental not included (15 euro per lesson of 2h30 and 1 lesson offered)

Groupe of 10 people in presence of two instructors

To subscribe – for the whole cycle – go to our calendar and book the event under the starting date of the course

Workshop coordination and dyno

A workshop to improve your coordination, concentration et control during dynamic mouvements, to (re)discover the characteristics of these kind of moves and the equilibrium games that can strenghten them.


Cycle of 3 lessons from 18h30 to 21h

Cycle 1 : tuesdays 2, 9, 16 of April

Cycle 2 : wednesdays 3, 10, 17 April

* Special climbing routes will be created for these workshops!

40 euro for the cycle of 3 courses.

To subscribe – for the whole cycle – go to our calendar and book the event under the start date of the course


This course wants to help you to progress, making available high quality training protocols adapted to your level.  

A class will include a warm-up, mobility exercises, climbing technique lessons depending on your needs, a climbing session, and finally a core and strength session. 

The protocol will take into consideration your woman specificities: special attention will go to your strength needs and to your daily energy level. 

The hidden objective of this course is to increase the number of stronger and more confident women in the climbing community. 

This course has the objective to: 

– Teach you how to warm up 

– Improve your endurance, strength, and mobility 

– Improve your technique


Cycle of 10 lessons (1 offered)

From 08.02.23 to 18.04.24

On Thursdays from 19h to 21h00

Level: you do orange routes, you can do some pink and would like to climb black routes. 

Price: 135 euro  

Group of 6 people. 

To subscribe – for the whole cycle – go to our calendar and book the event under the start date of the course