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Summer Open and Party


Get ready for a SUMMER BOULDERING OPEN at Petite Ile!
If you don’t want to compete, you are welcome to climb & dance!

When: Saturday the 3rd of June 2023

What time: 15h to 20h + party

What : Climb and dance! and if you don’t want to compete, you are welcome too!

What for: A lot of fun and …price money baby!
1st place: 200 euro,
2nd place: 100 euro,
3rd place: 50 euro.
The winners for each category are announced at 20h30.

How you compete*:
We’ll have 4 categories based on your level and based on how tall you are!
Small Islanders = less than 1,75 meters climbing up to blue routes
Small Highlanders = less than 1,75 meters climbing purple route and higher
Tall Islanders = more than 1,76 meters climbing up to blue routes
Tall Highlanders = more than 1,76 meters climbing purple route and higher

Do I need to subscribe? No, just come as you are.

More to know ? Yes! A great selection of DJs will play all day long.

And what’s after? More music! Dance with us from 21h to 5h30. The dance floor will be fueled by:

❥ Music will be cooked by:
Kareta Bu ( – Liepzig)
Chris Fereria (C12)
Dj Aw shucks (kiosk Radio)
Xtra Pickante (Kiosk Radio)
Kafim (C12 – Kiosk)

Fore more info write to:

* About the categories: For this event Petite Ile chose height to distinguish the categories. We decided to do so to test a criteria not related to birth assigned gender. We hope that this will make it a different, funner and more inclusive event.

See you there!

Opening of Hall9 in Vilvoorde


Petite Ile is opening a new bouldering hall in Vilvoorde. The opening is scheduled for the end of January 2023. We are very pleased to share this news with you. You can follow Hall9 on facebook and instagram (hall9_bouldering).
We also launched a crowd loan campaign through which we already raised 50% of the required amount after 4 days. You can still co-invest in this beautiful project.

People who are interested can co-invest in Hall9 via a loan that can earn them a return well above interest rates on savings accounts!
You can find more information here:
There are two types of loans:
A crowdloan (standardised subordinated loan, starting from €500):
– For people and companies in Belgium
– 7% annual gross interest, which is also the net return thanks to the withholding tax exemption (conditions apply)
– Investment with a term of 4 years
– Annual repayment, with one year of capital deferral
– 0% guarantee

The winwinner loan (subordinated loan, from €2,500):
– Only for people living in Flanders.
– 1.05% annual net interest rate + 2.50% annual tax credit
– 30% government guarantee on the outstanding amount
– Investment with a term of 5 years
– Annual repayment

Attention: investing involves risks. As an investor, you run the risk of losing all or part of the amount invested in case of inability to repay.

If you want more info on the new gym or the crowdlending campaign, do not hesitate to contact

Petite Ile celebrates it’s 4 years


Petite ile is celebrating its 4th birthday this year and we’re having a big birthday party on November 19th.
We want to celebrate with you, our bouldering community. We couldn’t have done it without you all. Thanks again!
4 years of friendships. 4 years of work, sport, trips to Fontainebleau and parties, 4 years of sharing!
As every year, we propose you to come climbing freely or to participate in the open and stay for the raffle and our party.
You will certainly recognize the dj’s who will play because they are all climbers from petite Ile, except for the closing which will be provided by our friend Chris Ferreira. The sweet and beautiful Chantaaaal has an exceptional show in store for us, you’d be crazy to miss that
There will also be a contest for the most beautiful outfit with a D.I.Y. theme: Tie and dye – psychedelic – hippie fun.
This day will be yours and ours!

you can come climbing between 9am and 8pm
❥ afternoon:
⏲14:00: inscriptions OPEN
⏲16:00 -20:00: OPEN
❥ evening:
20:00 🎩 provided by Chantaaal 🎩
Awards open
Awards outfits
and more
❥ Music will be cooked by:
Chris Fereria (C12)
Dj Aw shucks (kiosk Radio)
Juliojulio (kiosk radio)
Max Adams (petite ile)
Derek (petite ile)
❥ Food & Drinks
Special Croque Monsieur
Benoit will cook a special chili sin carne for this day.
Free for our members
9:00 to 20:00 regular prices
Night time:
22:00 to 05:00: 7 euros
Free acces for members
❥lecomte ❥Chalk Rebels ❥Ermitage

Happy Holidays


The Petite Ile team wishes you a happy holiday season. We close the bouldering hall on December 24th and 31st at 4:00 pm. And we are closed all day on December 25, 2021 and January 01, 2022.



On November 13, 2021, we will celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Petite Ile. We would love to celebrate with you and your friends.

* 14.00: Doors open

* 15.00-19.00: Free OPEN Competition:
– No judges, no finals, just record the boulders you climb.
– New boulders, new holds, new home-made volumes.
– 4 categories: the top 3 climbers in each category win incredible prizes!
– Registration the same day from 14.00

You can of course climb even if you are not participating in the competition.

20.00 : Announcement of the winners of the Free OPEN competition and the winners of the Best Costume Competition. More than 2.000 € in prizes to be won.

21.30-05.00: Concert and DJs

Throughout the day, there will be raclette and vegetarian lasagna. We will also offer a piece of birthday cake to each visitor.
From 2pm to 9pm, you can play Wheel of Fortune to win even more great prizes.

At our first anniversary party, we loved seeing you in your best outfits. That’s why this year we’ve chosen the theme “oldskool sportswear”. Come dressed in your best 70’s or 80’s sportswear and win even more great prizes.

You can find more information on our Facebook page:



Last year we organised our first Climb With Pride edition. During the pandemic it was important to create a space where the LGBTQIA+ community could gather and reconnect, after 6 months where our dedicated spaces were closed. During the first edition we were sad we couldn’t dance together, so we thought we’d do something about that for this edition. We will try to make Climb With Pride a monthy recurring event.

CLIMB WITH PRIDE 21:30-24:00

21:45 Warm up with Athena Sorgelikis
22:00 Climb With Pride

during Climb With Pride our team will be there to give you tips and tricks. You’ll see, no better way to sweat your asses off before a night of dancing. 

Price : 3€ (this price does not include the entrace to the gym and the rent of the shoes. Your subscription or 10-entries card works, or, we propose a special price of 10€ – shoes and entry to the gym included)

you have to reserve in advance since the number of places is limited : go to

A Climb With Pride ticket also gives you access to the Mercurochrome Party.

You have to arrive at Petite Ile before 22:00 with this ticket. If you arrive later you’ll have to purchase a new ticket of 7€


Mercurochrome is an alternative Pop party that traveled to some exciting places in Brussels (a afterclub, a arthouse cinema, FFormatt). This month they decide to release there vibe at Petite Ile.23:30 Doors open24:00 DJ set Brahim Tall
01:45 DJ set Mercurochrome
03:15 DJ set Fabio Fulvolume
Since places are limited we invite you to book your tickets in advance.You can do that here : cost 7€ and give access from 23:30 onwards.A Climb With Pride ticket includes an entrance to Mercurochrome

You can find the facebook event of Climb With Pride + Mercurochrome by clicking this link. Feel free to share it with your friends



As a result of the governments decision, Visitors of bars and restaurants and sport venues should be able to submit a COVID SAFE TICKET from October 15, 2021. Only COVID SAFE TICKETS with QR code and name will be acceptable. Vaccination cards or QR codes without identifiable name will not provide access to the gym.

This means for visitors to Petite Ile that everyone aged + 16 years has to submit a valid COVID SAFE TICKET and ID.
Since the parliamentary ordinance has not yet appeared, we will provide you with the information we rfound in the press. We will inform you further once we have been able to read the ordinance.

  • The COVID SAFE TICKET is mandatory from October 15 to January 15
  • An ID such as an identity card must be requested by the organisor during the check. The organizer should never register or store that data.
  • The rules apply to both the bar and the climbing gym

You can request the Covid Safe Ticket if you are either fully vaccinated (two doses of Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca, or one dose of Johnson & Johnson), or have a negative corona test (PCR test not more than 48 hours ago or a rapid antigen test up to 24 hours ago), or have a recovery certificate of up to six months old.You can download the ticket via the app CovidSafe on your smartphone or via the website If you don’t have a smartphone or internet, you can have the ticket sent via the mail. To do this you need to call the call center on the number 02 19 214 19.(source BRUZZ)

New Clothing Rules


As of September 1st and for hygienic reasons, all climbers in Petite Ile are asked to wear appropriate sportswear, suitable shoes (preferably climbing shoes, or indoor sport shoes, but never street shoes), a t-shirt or top and trousers or shorts. Barefoot or shirtless climbing is not allowed.



The new sports infrastructure protocols come into effect on 27 June 2021.

It is no longer necessary to make reservations to come bouldering at Petite Ile.

You can read the sports protocol here : Dutch or French

We ask you to respect the following guidelines

  • do not come to Petite Ile if you are ill or showing symptoms of Covid-19
  • Disinfect your hands when you arrive and wash them regularly
  • people accompanying climbers must wear a mouth mask at all times. Climbers do not need to wear a mouth mask when practising sports.
  • The cloakrooms are open again, the showers remain closed for the time being.
  • Where possible, keep a distance of 1.5 metres from other climbers.
  • In the bar area it is possible to have drinks and food. You can sit with maximum 8 people at a table.



If you had a valid subscription on the day of our forced closing in october, we have automatically renewed your subscription with 7 months and 15 days (the total time we were closed). So you can still use your old subscription until it expires. Afterwards you can choose from the new subscriptions the one that suits you best. You can buy your tickets or subscription at the cash desk in Petite Ile, but you can also do this on our webshop or the mobile app Clubplanner.
You can still use your old membership card when checking in or you can check in using the QR code in the Clubplanner application.



We have a new reservation and checkin system: Clubplanner. There are different ways to use Clubplanner:

  • You had a membership or a 10 entries card in the past. To log in for the first time, read the HOW DOES IT WORK section below! This is very important to link your old membership or card to the new system.

  • To book a session CLICK HERE.

  • for your convenience use the MYCLUBAPP APP which you can download for free from the App Store (Apple) or Google Play (android).


The first time you connect to Clubplanner you will need to register.

If you are using the MYCLUBAPP, you should first select Petite Ile. You can do this on the map or in the search box.

If you are already registered with Petite Ile you have to use the digits of the membership number on the back of your membership card. (Please note, only use the numbers without the zeros: for example Tom Test membership number is “0003291ILE”, he uses “3291”.)

As password you use the same numbers followed by the two first letters of your family name followed by the two first letters of your first name (in the example above the password would be 3291teto). Then you click on “SIGN IN”

By clicking on the circle with the portrait in the upper right corner of the screen you can access your personal data. By clicking on “Settings” you can change your address, language, password and add an email address.

You might want to use this email address when you log in next time.

Once you are logged in, you can click on the calendar to book a session. At the top of the page you click on “BOULDER/BLOC” to book a session. And at the bottom of the page you see your confirmed bookings.

By clicking on the webshop pictogram you can access the online shop, where you can buy tickets and subscriptions.

You can book your session 7 days in advance. You can book for 4 people maximum and you can, for now, book maximum 3 sessions per week. Your session will be paid for at the time of booking, or deducted from your 10-entries card or subscription. You can cancel your reservation free of charge up to 15 minutes before the time of your reservation. After this time, the entrance fee cannot be refunded.

If you still have problems logging in you can send us an email at or call us during office hours at 0032 491 95 12 48.

You can download the clubplanner manual in French or Dutch.



Hey dears! Do you want to win 1 free month climbing at Petite Ile?
Post a picture of Petite Ile on instagram (as a post and not as a story) and tag 2 friends. (make sure your profile is public or we won’t see your picture)
Every day we’ll randomly choose one picture and give away the first month of our new monthly renewable membership to the winner!
7 winners in 1 week!

We’ll announce the winners on instagram…

Conditions of the competition :

  • maximum one win per person.
  • the competition runs from 03/06/2021 till 10/06/2021
  • to use your SUPSCRIPTION you need to register as a member of Petite Ile (it’s easy and free)
  • SUPSCRIPTION is an auto renewable membership which is paid by direct debit
  • you can use the SUBSCRIPTION following our terms and conditions.